Ascend Featured in Forbes on Top Metrics Driving SaaS Company Valuations

DJ Palmer reviews five metrics vital to understanding what increases and decreases valuation and what warrants a premium or discount over peers.

September 1, 2021—Determining a SaaS company’s value is complicated with a number of factors to take into consideration. Buyers are looking for companies with sustainable, profitable growth. By understanding SaaS valuation metrics, companies can focus their attention on strategies that will have the most significant impact on value.

Forbes features our own DJ Palmer as he examines key KPIs directly correlated to a software business’s long-term value and viability.

Click here to read the full article entitled “The Top Five Metrics Driving SaaS Company Valuations.”


Douglas Palmer, Jr. (“DJ”) | 703.509.2845

Each KPI is a unique value lever, providing a different lens into the connection between units of input and output. More importantly, they inform how a business has performed and where its potential lies to give enhanced clarity to SaaS company valuations.

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